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The following UGENE package delivery types are available on 64-bit Linux:

  • Online installer: updates to new versions are supported
  • TAR.GZ archive: does not require Internet connection to be installed
  • Native installation: available for Ubuntu and Fedora only, provides closer integration with the operating systems, requires administrative rights

Download links for the online installers and TAR.GZ archives are available on the "Download UGENE and components" page. Be careful to select a link for correct platform (64-bit or 32-bit).

Information about native installation on Ubuntu and Fedora is provided belowOther packages for older UGENE version are available on the web page

Installation using online installer

  • Download an archive with the online installer file for your platform (64-bit or 32-bit("ugeneInstaller_64bit.tar").
  • Make the file executable - in the Terminal run "chmod +x installer_file_name".
  • Execute the file: "./installer_file_name". For example:Unpack the archive.
  • Run the extracted "ugeneInstaller_64bit" executable file.

    Code Block
    cd ~/Downloads
    chmodtar +x-xf ugeneInstaller_64bit.tar
  • Follow the installation wizard.


Installation using TAR.GZ archive

  • Download the required TAR.GZ archiveChoose Standard, Full, or NGS package for your platform (64-bit or 32-bit). Note that the NGS package is available for 64-bit platform only.


  • Unpack the archive - in the Terminal run "tar -xf xzf archive_file".
  • From the unpacked folder run "./ugene -uiugeneui" (here "ui" states for "User Interface"). For example:

    Code Block
    cd ~/Downloads
    tar -xfxzf ugene-current-version-x86-64.tar.gz
    cd ugene-current-version
    ./ugene -ui


  • ugeneui

On a new UGENE version release, a notification will appear. However, to install the new version, it is required to manually download the package again.


Native installation

UGENE is a part of Ubuntu and Fedora distributions. Follow the instructions below to install it on one of these systems.

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