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Search for

To search for a pattern(s) in alignment go to the Search in Alignment tab of the Options Panel.

Input the value you want to search in the text field and click the Search button. You can input the value as a sequence or name of the sequence in the FASTA format and sequence after that. 

     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/422732039747586/Search in SequenceAlignment.png"/>

By default, misc_feature annotations are created for regions that exactly match the pattern. Find below the description of the available settings.


Press the Next button to search in the direction “From left to right, from top to bottom”. Press the Previous button to search in the direction “From right to left, from bottom to top”. If the pattern is found, the result will be focused and highlighted in the Sequence area. You can continue the search in any direction from this position.

Search Algorithm

This group specifies the algorithm that should be used to search for a pattern. The algorithm can be one of the following:

  • InsDel — there could be insertions and/or deletions, i.e. a pattern and the searched region can vary in their length. You can specify the percentage of the pattern and a searched region match in the field nearby. Note that this value also depends on the pattern length and is disabled when the pattern hasn’t been specified.
  • Substitute — a pattern may contain characters different from the characters in the searched region. When this algorithm has been selected you can also specify the match percentage and additionally it is possible to take into account ambiguous bases.
  • Regular expression — a regular expression may be specified instead of a pattern. For example character ‘.’ matches any character, ‘.*’ matches zero or more of any characters. There is also the Limit result length option that specifies the maximum length of a result.
  • Exact find a place where one or several patterns are found within a larger pattern.

Search in

In this group, you can specify the sequence range where to search for a pattern. You can search in the whole alignment, specify a custom region or search in the selected region.

Other Settings

This group contains additional common settings:

Remove overlapped results — annotates only one of the overlapped results.

Limit results number to — limits the number of the searched results to the specified value.