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     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/65929305/Exporting Sequences to Sequence Format.png"/>

The Export Selected Sequences dialog will appear for nucleic sequence:

     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/4227242/Exporting Sequences to Sequence Format_1.png"/>

The Export Selected Sequences dialog will appear for amino sequence:

     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/422724265929305/Exporting Sequences to Sequence Format_1.png"/>


Use the Conversion options to choose a strand for saving sequence(s). Also you can translate sequence(s) to amino/nucleic alphabet.

Also it is possible to specify whether to merge the exported sequences into a single sequence or store them as separate sequences. If you merge the sequences, you’re allowed to select the gap symbols between sequences. This is the length of the insertion region between sequences that contain N symbols for nucleic or X for protein sequences.
