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Versions Compared


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  • Download an archive with the online installer file ("ugeneInstaller_64bit.tar").
  • Unpack the archive.
  • Run the extracted "ugeneInstaller_64bit" executable file.

    Code Block
    cd ~/Downloads
    tar -xf ugeneInstaller_64bit.tar
  • Follow the installation wizard.


  • Download the TAR.GZ archive.

  • Unpack the archive - in the Terminal run "tar -xf xzf archive_file".
  • From the unpacked folder run "./ugene -uiugeneui" (here "ui" states for "User Interface"). For example:

    Code Block
    cd ~/Downloads
    tar -xfxzf ugene-current-version-x86-64.tar.gz
    cd ugene-current-version
    ./ugene -uiugeneui

On a new UGENE version release, a notification will appear. However, to install the new version, it is required to manually download the package again.
