Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.

--help | -h [<option_name> | <task_name>]

Shows help information. For example:

Code Block
ugene --help                      ## Shows general UGENE CLI help.
ugene -h

ugene --help=<option_name>        ## Shows help for the <option_name> option.
ugene -h <option_name>

ugene --help=<task_name>          ## Shows help for the <task_name> task.
ugene -h <task_name>

--task=<task_name> [<task_parameter>=value ...]

Specifies the task to run. A user-defined UGENE workflow schema can be used as a task name. For example:

Code Block
ugene --task=align --in=COI.aln -out result.aln

ugene --task=C:\myschema.uwl --in=COI.aln --out=res.aln


A task progress is shown by default when a task is running. This option specifies not to show the progress.

--log-level="[<category1>=]<level1> [, ...]"

Sets the log level per category. If a category is not specified, the log level is applied to all categories.

The following categories are available:

    • “Algorithms”
    • “Console”
    • “Core Services”
    • “Input/Output”
    • “Performance”
    • “Remote Service”
    • “Scripts”
    • “Tasks”.

The following log levels are available: TRACE, DETAILS, INFO, ERROR or NONE.

By default, loglevel=ERROR.

For example:

Code Block
ugene --log-level=NONE

ugene --log-level="Tasks=DETAILS, Console=DETAILS"


Specifies the format of a log line.

Use the following notations: L - level, C - category, YYYY or YY - year, MM - month, dd - day, hh - hour, mm - minutes, ss - seconds, zzz - milliseconds.

By default, logformat=”[L][hh:mm]”.


Shows license information.


Specifies the language to use (e.g. for the log output). The following values are available:

    • CS (Czech)
    • EN (English)
    • RU (Russian)


If log output is enabled, this option make it colored: ERROR messages are displayed in red, DETAILS messages are displayed in green, TRACE messages are displayed in blue.