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Attention! Cistrome Tools was removed in UGENE 42.0 version. 


The component for ChIP-seq data analysis is not installed by default. To use this sample, add the component via the UGENE Online Installer or, if you used an offline installer, manually configure the package, see "Configure ChIP-seq Analysis Data" chapter of the manual. This manual availavle until UGENE 39.version. 

to check which genes are nearby so can be regarded as potential regulated genes, then perform GO analysis;The ChIP-seq pipeline “Cistrome” integrated into UGENE allows one to do the following analysis steps: peak calling and annotating, motif search and gene ontology. ChIP-seq analysis is started from MACS tool. CEAS then takes peak regions and signal wiggle file to check which chromosome is enriched with binding/modification sites, whether bindings events are significant at gene features like promoters, gene bodies, exons, introns or UTRs, and the signal aggregation at gene transcription start/end sites or meta-gene bodies (average all genes). Then peaks are investigated in these ways:
