TopHat is a fast splice junction mapper for RNA-Seq reads. It aligns RNA-Seq reads to mammalian-sized genomes using the ultra high-throughput short read aligner Bowtie, and then analyzes the mapping results to identify splice junctions between exons.

Parameters in GUI

ParameterDescriptionDefault value
Output directoryDirectory to save MACS output files. 
Bowtie index directoryThe directory with the Bowtie index for the reference sequence. 
Bowtie index basenameThe basename of the Bowtie index for the reference sequence. 
Mate inner distanceThe expected (mean) inner distance between mate pairs.Standart Illumina
Mate standard deviationThe standard deviation for the distribution on inner distances between mate pairs. 
Library typeSpecifies RNA-Seq protocol.False
No novel junctionsOnly look for reads across junctions indicated in the supplied GFF or junctions file. This parameter is ignored if Raw junctions or Known transcript file is not set.0.1
Raw junctionsThe list of raw junctions. 
Known transcript fileA set of gene model annotations and/or known transcripts.0.15
Max multihitsInstructs TopHat to allow up to this many alignments to the reference for a given read, and suppresses all alignments for reads with more than this many alignments.default
Segment lengthEach read is cut up into segments, each at least this long. These segments are mapped independently.default
Fusion searchTurn on fusion mapping. 

Parameters in Schema File

Type: cufflinks

ParameterParameter in the GUIType
out-dirOutput directory


ref-annotationBowtie index directorystring
rabt-annotationBowtie index basenamestring
library-typeMate inner distancenumeric
mask-fileMate standard deviationstring
multi-read-correctLibrary typeboolean
min-isoform-fractionNo novel junctionsnumeric
frag-bias-correctRaw junctionsstring
pre-mrna-fractionKnown transcript filenumeric
pathMax multihitsstring
tmp-dirSegment lengthstring
 Fusion search 

Input/Output Ports

The element has 1 input port:

Name in GUI: Input reads

Name in Schema File: in-assembly


Slot In GUISlot in Schema FileType
Assembly dataassemblyassembly
Source urlurlstring

And 1 output port:

Name in GUI: Output annotations

Name in Schema File: out-annotations


Slot In GUISlot in Schema FileType
Isoform-level expression valuesisolevel.slotann_table