Input one or several files with annotations: a file may also contain a sequence (e.g. GenBank format) or contain annotations only (e.g. GTF format).

The element outputs message(s) with the annotations data.

See the list of all available formats here.

Element type: read-annotations


ParameterDescriptionDefault valueParameter in Workflow FileType
Input file(s)Input files.Dataset 1;url-instring

If the file contains more than one annotation table, Split mode sends them "as is" to the output,

while Merge appends all the annotation tables and outputs the sole merged annotation table.

In Merge files is the same as Merge but it operates with all annotation tables from all files of one dataset.


Input/Output Ports

The element has 1 output port:

Name in GUI: Annotations

Name in Workflow File: out-annotations


Slot In GUISlot in Workflow FileType
Set of annotationsannotationsannotation-table-list
Dataset namedatasetstring
Source URLout-urlstring