Remove PCR duplicates of BAM files using SAMTools rmdup.

Element type: rmdup-bam


ParameterDescriptionDefault valueParameter in Workflow FileType
Output directorySelect an output directory. Custom - specify the output directory in the 'Custom directory' parameter. Workflow - internal workflow directory. Input file - the directory of the input file.Input fileout-modenumeric
Output BAM nameA name of an output file. If default of empty value is provided the output name is the name of the first file with additional extention.
Remove for single-end readsRemove duplicate for single-end reads. By default, the command works for paired-end reads only (-s).Falseremove-single-endboolean
Treat as single-end

Treat paired-end reads and single-end reads (-S).


Input/Output Ports

The element has 1 input port:

Name in GUI: Input File

Name in Workflow File: in-file


Slot In GUISlot in Workflow FileType
Source URLurlstring

And 1 output port:

Name in GUI: Output File

Name in Workflow File: out-file


Slot In GUISlot in Workflow FileType
Source URLurlstring