The Secondary Structure Prediction plugin provides a set of algorithms for the protein secondary structure (alpha-helix, beta-sheet) prediction from a raw sequence.

Currently, available algorithms are:

You can access these analysis capabilities for a protein sequence using the Analyze ‣ Predict secondary structure... context menu item. The dialog will appear:

     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/65930792/Secondary Structure Prediction.png"/>

It supports the following options:

Algorithm — you can choose the preferred algorithm. Currently, “GORIV” and “PsiPred” algorithms are available.

Region — select the sequence range for prediction.  Region can be either a Selected region if select range before selection, Whole sequence or Custom region.

Results — the visual representation of the prediction results, for example:

     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/65930792/Secondary Structure Prediction_1.png"/>

Save — select this button to save the results as annotations of the current protein sequence.

     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/65930792/Secondary Structure Prediction_2.png"/>

Visual representation of the predicted annotation on the sequence:

     <img src="/wiki/download/attachments/65930792/Secondary Structure Prediction_3.png"/>