This section contains detailed description of workflow samples presented in the Workflow Designer. To search a sample use the name filter or press the Ctrl+F shortcut that moves you to the name filter also:

- Alignment
- Conversions
- Custom Elements
- Data Marking
- Data Merging
- De novo Assembly with Spades
- Call Variants with SAMtools
- ChIP-Seq Coverage
- ChIP-seq Analysis with Cistrome Tools
- Extract Consensus from Assembly
- Extract Coverage from Assembly
- Extract Transcript Sequences
- Quality Control by FastQC
- Raw ChIP-Seq Data Processing
- Raw DNA-Seq Data Processing
- Raw RNA-Seq Data Processing
- RNA-seq Analysis with Tuxedo Tools
- Get Unmappet Reads
- Variation Annotation with SnpEff
- Sanger Sequencing
- Scenarios
- Transcriptomics
- De novo Assembly with Spades
- Call Variants with SAMtools
- ChIP-Seq Coverage
- ChIP-seq Analysis with Cistrome Tools
- Extract Consensus from Assembly
- Extract Coverage from Assembly
- Extract Transcript Sequences
- Quality Control by FastQC
- Raw ChIP-Seq Data Processing
- Raw DNA-Seq Data Processing
- Raw RNA-Seq Data Processing
- RNA-seq Analysis with Tuxedo Tools
- Get Unmappet Reads
- Variation Annotation with SnpEff