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The Reads Area provides a visualization of reads of an assembly part. To zoom in or zoom out, rotate the mouse wheel.

To perform zooming you can also use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons on the toolbar or the Actions ‣ Zoom In and Actions ‣ Zoom Out items in the main menu.

Also, when you double-click on a read it is zoomed in and moved to the center of the window.

By dragging the mouse while holding the left mouse button you can navigate in the Reads Area.

To navigate long distances in the Reads Area use the Assembly Overview described below.

Other ways to navigate in the assembly are:

To learn about available hotkeys refer to Assembly Browser Hotkeys.

By default, assembly rendering is optimized while scrolling. While you are moving across an assembly, it shows the assembly in gray color, but when you stop it shows the assembly in different colors. To disable this option uncheck the Optimize the rendering while scrolling item in the context menu of the Reads Area or Optimize scrolling item on the Assembly Browser Settings tab of the Options Panel.

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