To add new connection click on the Add button. The following dialog appears:

Here you need to specify Host (IP-address of the server), Port (number of the port used by the MySQL server) and Database (name of the database). You may also fill Login and Password fields. Otherwise, you are asked to input them every time you are establishing this connection until you check the Remember me box. Click on the OK button, then the connection is created and the appropriate item appears in the previous Shared Database Connections dialog.
If you want to use already existing connection choose the appropriate item in the Shared Database Connections dialog and press the Connect button. This can also be done by double clicking the item. If the specified database is empty, UGENE has to initialize it. This routine is done only once. In this case you get an appropriate message box, asking whether to initialize the database or not. If you choose Yes the database is populated with UGENE data structures, if No it remains empty and UGENE does not connect to it.
If you want to delete some connection select it in the Shared Database Connections dialog and click on the Delete button. You may also edit connection parameters using the Edit button.
An established connection can be terminated by pressing the Delete button. The same effect is produced by removing the database document item from Project View.