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  • Quality Filter Element
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Filters sequences by their qualities.

The element works on the basis of the following script:

var qual;

if(hasQuality(in_sequence)) {
    qual = getMinimumQuality(in_sequence);
    if(qual >= quality) {
        out_sequence = in_sequence;

Parameters in GUI


ParameterDescriptionDefault value
qualityQuality used to filter. 

Parameters in Workflow File

Type: “Script-Quality filter example”

ParameterParameter in the GUIType

Input/Output Ports

The element has 1 input port:

Name in GUI: Input data

Name in Workflow File: in


Slot In GUISlot in Workflow FileType

And 1 output port:

Name in GUI: Output data

Name in Workflow File: out


Slot In GUISlot in Workflow FileType
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