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Tool home page:

Similar results to those produced by UGENE can be obtained using the mfold web server (DNA prediction, RNA prediction) or using the OligoAnalyzer tool. For complete documentation on the tool, see a) on the website, b) in the article, c) in the source code in the corresponding folder.

UGENE uses Ghostscript to convert PS files to PNG and PDF.


Table of Contents


Save output to/path/to/sequence/

The folder where the "mfold" subdirectory will be created with the output data in it. By default, this folder is the same as the folder where the input sequence is stored.

For example, let's say our OS is Windows and the analyzed sequence has the path "C:\path\to\sequence\my_sequence.fa". After running the task, the folder structure will look something like this

Code Block
            │   my_sequence.fa
The output folder must have write permissions.


Settings are not saved between dialog calls. If you need to change the output folder to something other than the default, you will have to do this manually every time you call the dialog.

This behavior may be corrected in future releases of UGENE.



Setting up the Ghostscript converter from ps PS files to PNG. Quality of saved images (PNG files). The higher this parameter, the higher the quality, size and resolution of the resulting images.


This setting only affects images in the output folder. This setting does not affect images in the UGENE report. This setting does not affect PDF output files.


  1. Molecule Type (DNA/RNA). mfold gets sequence information from command line arguments. Information about what type will be passed to the tool can be seen next to the sequence name 
    Image Modified
  2. Molecule Topology (linear/circular). mfold gets sequence information from command line arguments. If the sequence is marked as circular, then mfold will work with it as a circular one. Otherwise, as with linear one.
    Whether the sequence is linear/circular is described here.
    Part of a circular sequence will also be considered a circular sequence. If you want to change this behavior, uncheck "Mark sequence as circular" and then call the mfold dialog
  3. DPI of images in UGENE. Ghostscript has a default DPI of 72. Therefore, this value is used for images for the internal UGENE report and this value cannot be changed.


Example of a report on Windows (appearance may vary slightly between systems):

Image RemovedImage Added

  1. Status, Time,  At the beginning there is information about the run: information about the task, settings for launch.
  2. Output HTML report. Clickable link to the output HTML report. More about this report in the next section.
  3. Found structures. List of found structures. The structure is characterized by free energy. When clicked, UGENE will scroll the window to the desired structure.
  4. Structure table. The table contains
    1. Thermodynamic details: free energy, enthalpy, entropy and an estimated Tm.
    2. Loop Free-Energy Decomposition: the entire decomposition of the particular folding into loops and stacks, together with their free energies and closing base pairs. Consecutive runs of base pairs are summarized as helices.
    3. Image. Displays of nucleic acid secondary structure. At the bottom of the image there is information identifying it: free energy, name of the input sequence and region of analysis.
  5. mfold log. Information about launching the external mfold tool: launch command and log.



Sometimes the report may not contain the structure table. This happens because there are a lot of results/the resulting decomposition tables are too large. In this case, the result must be viewed in a browser (click on the "Output HTML report" link).

HTML report

A single HTML report and PNG+PDF for each structure found are saved in the output folder. The HTML report displays these images, PDFs and detailed information about the launch in an easy-to-view form.

Tool comparison

хранение результатов

подключение к интернету

какие настройки есть

исправлены баги

размер входных последовательностей

LinksImage AddedThis version of the report also contains:

  1. Launch information.
  2. List of found structures with links to them.
  3. Information about each structure. The Loop Free-Energy Decomposition is located under the "Show structure detailed info" arrow.
    The quality of the images in the report depends on the DPI setting in the dialog. When you click on the picture, a PDF file with a structure image opens in a new tab, identical to the picture image, but allows you to zoom without losing quality.
  4. mfold log.

This report is portable, i.e., if the directory is completely copied (HTML+all PNGs+all PDFs), the copied data can be re-opened in the browser without loss of functionality. Folders can be deleted/renamed; it will not affect the operation of UGENE.

Temporary output


For advanced users.

mfold produces many files. Not all of them are displayed in the reports. However, while the current UGENE session is open, you can see what other files mfold produces.

In the Log corresponding to the [Algorithms][DETAILS] subcategories, you can see the mfold launch command. It depends on where the UGENE temporary directory is set. For example, it might look like this

Code Block
"C:\Program Files\Unipro UGENE\tools\mfold\mfold.bat" SEQ=C:\tmp\ugene_tmp\p14120\mfold\d_0\inp.fa RUN_TYPE=html NA=DNA LC=circular T=37 P=5 NA_CONC=1 MG_CONC=0 MAX=100 ROT_ANG=0

In this case, all temporary output files will be located in C:\tmp\ugene_tmp\p14120\mfold\d_0. For information about the purpose and format of this data, please read the article.

Do not modify/move/delete these files. They are read-only.

Tool comparison

As mentioned earlier, the mfold tool can also be launched from the native site or from the IDT platform.

Internet connectionnot requiredmust be (http connection)must be
Privacyshare only what you wantresults are visible to everyoneresults are visible only to you
Storing resultsstored as long as neededare removed over timestored while the session is open (30 minutes)
File output completenessno energy dot plotthere are all files including energy dot plotthere is energy dot plot but not some other side files
Image qualityvector format is represented by PDF files
quality of raster images (PNG) is configurable
vector format is represented by PDF and PS files
quality of raster images (PNG, JPEG) is configurable
no vector format
raster images aren't configurable
Completeness of algorithm settingssome settings for RNA aren't taken into account
no constraints
constraints can be specified
truncated part
no constraints, have their own settings
Completeness of display settingsimpossible to specify region's offset relative to original sequenceoffset settingno offset
Max sequence length30002400255


  1. Article
  2. mfold home
  3. mfold DNA
  4. mfold RNA
  5. mfold sources
  6. mfold settings documentation
  7. Viewing launch results
  8. Forum with mfold authors
  9. mfold references
  10. implementation of mfold by IDT company